Supporting Delivery

Supporting practices & PCNs with the services we provide

3Sixty Care are committed to supporting local GP’s in Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough and East Northants to increase their capacity and capability within primary care. We provide a dedicated team of Primary Care Network Managers and back office support functions to assist the Clinical Directors to deliver on the requirements of the Primary Care Network Directed Enhanced Service.

This enables practice managers to focus on running the day to operations of the practice whilst the 3Sixty team focus on designing and developing new service models, to support delivery of enhanced primary care services by improving access to a wider team of professionals.

We redesign primary care around the needs of our local communities, tapping into the expertise of a wide range of professionals, This will help ensure that people get better care closer to where they live, and that teams of health and care professionals get to know the community they work in.

Pharmacy Support Services

3Sixty provides a blended approach delivery of Pharmacy support services incorporating Virtual Pharmacists, Practice based Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. Pharmacists provide support to general practice staff with regards to prescription and medication queries, support the repeat prescription system, undertake structured medication reviews with patients to offer advice and make recommendation to improve their well being.  

Social Prescribing Link Workers 

The social prescribing link worker (SPLW) role has emerged over the past few years and has mainly been pioneered by voluntary sector organisations, working in partnership with GP practices and other referral agencies. Age UK provide the social prescribing service to our practices. The SPLWs are employed in non-clinical roles and are are recruited for their listening skills, empathy and ability to support people.

They help to reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their wellbeing. They enable people to have more control over their lives, develop skills and give their time to others, through involvement in community groups.

First Contact Physiotherapy Services

These services are provided by specialist physiotherapists who treat patients with musculoskeletal problems. In the UK, an average of 30% of GP appointments are for musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. Having physiotherapists more accessible to take over these appointments, means that patients get seen quicker and recover faster and also helping to ease pressure off general practice. 

Care Coordinators 

Care Coordinators work alongside the GP’s, social prescribing link workers (SPLWs), pharmacy staff, nurses, and surgery administrative staff etc. to provide and coordinate, personalised care for patients across the Primary Care Network. They work with patients in both the community and care/nursing home setting to bring together all the information about a person’s identified care and support needs, and explore options to meet these, within a single personalised care and support plan (PCSP).

Age Well service

The Age Well Service purpose is to deliver a refreshed focus and way to improve the quality of care and achieve the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for older people across our county, supporting them to maintain their independence and resilience for as long as possible.

In line with NHCP’s vision for a positive lifetime of health, wellbeing and care in our community, the three core aims of the iCAN programme are to:

  1. Ensuring we choose well: no one is in hospital without a need to be there
  2. Ensuring people can stay well
  3. Ensuring people can live well: by staying at home if that is right for them

Having the unique partnership arrangements with Northamptonshire Foundation Trust enables 3Sixty Care Partnership to recruit and employ staff on behalf of practices as well as to create opportunities for innovative, collaborative services that add value to our member practices. 

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